Dieter Nuhr – About the disappearance of images

Preview February 4, 2024, 3-6 p.m. Exhibition duration: February 4th – March 16th, 2024 The Düsseldorf artist Dieter Nuhr is showing his fifth solo exhibition at Galerie Obrist. While the photographic aspects of his artistic work were previously the focus, new elements are now being added: Nuhr works with digital brushes, combining them with photographic …

KIND ALS PINSEL. CHILD AS A BRUSH. Making art, being a mother.

With works by WIEBKE BARTSCH – MARCELA BÖHM – (E.) TWIN GABRIELSIMONE HAACK – ANNEGRET SOLTAU Even today, women artists who become mothers have to grapple with the question of how motherhood is presented to the outside world. Because it almost seems to be a flaw: making art and being a mother is unthinkable for …

Dieter Nuhr – Until 7 March

Obrist Gallery is happy to announce the fourth solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr. Most of the shown pictures were taken in 2019 and are now presented fo the first time. Since the recent exhibition two years ago Nuhr went on long-distance journeys for several times, and made his subtle discoveries in Georgia and Iran among …

Dieter Nuhr. Photographs.

Obrist Gallery is happy to announce the third solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr. Since the recent exhibition two years ago Nuhr went on long-distance journeys for several times, and made his subtle discoveries in Moldavia, Georgia and Mexico among others, like the East German province. In big sized photographs Nuhr opens windows to a graceful …

Shinichi Tsuchiya. Fukushima.

Gallery Obrist is happy to show new photoworks by Shinichi Tsuchiya from recent years. The Japanese photo artist – who has been called to be a Master Student of Thomas Ruff in 2006 and who has received the Akademiebrief of the Düsseldorfer Kunstakademie in 2008 – has been living in Japan again since 2011: In …

Exhibition Dieter Nuhr

Gallery Obrist is happy to announce the second solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr, called “Foreign Terrain“. While the artist is known to many as a comedian and, with that, for his use of words, the medium of photography allows for a different form of expression. He studied fine arts at the former Folkwang School in …

New Exhibition with Dieter Nuhr

One year after our first exhibition with Dieter Nuhr we will soon show the announced second part of “Foreign Terrain”. While in 2015 urban motives were the focus of the exhibition, we will now present landscapes. Dieter Nuhr Foreign Terrain II 27 February – 23 April, 2016 Opneing Reception 26 February, 2016, 6.30 p.m.

Detlef Orlopp – Photography.

At the same time to his upcoming exhibition at Museum Folkwang Obrist Gallery shows works by German photographer Detlef Orlopp (*1937). Orlopp was a student of Otto Steinert in Saarbruecken, and he moved with Steinert to Folkwangschule Essen in 1959. Nevertheless he is only partly a supporter of Steinert’s “Subjektive Fotografie”, because of its formative …

Exhibition with Dieter Nuhr

“Each form has its own means of expression. With language I can be ironic, but through the pictorial language the world seems more serious to me.”, says well-known humorist Dieter Nuhr about the two great creative poles in his life. Beyond the stage world he devotes his time to photography. His work does not represent …

WAZ reports on Cartier-Bresson and Capa

Article on our current exhibition in the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 24 September, text by Martina Schürmann, photograph by Knut Vahlensieck. (pdf 750kb, german) Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa: The Decisive Moment. 06 Sep.-18 Oct., 2014 Opening Reception: Friday, 5 Sep., 2014, 19h

Exhibition With Andy Scholz

We cordially invite you to our upcoming exhibition with Andy Scholz: “Dust In The Air”. We will be showing new photoworks of the Essen based artist, which come up from a study trip to North Dakota, USA, lasting for several months. In his works Scholz turns towards landscape for the first time. CV Andy Scholz …

Peter Schloer in October

From October 11 to November 9 Obrist Gallery will exhibit selected works by renown Mannheim-based photo artist Peter Schlör. His recent works have a pictorial approach. The artist uses natural phenomena like the sea, clouds, mountains or forests, to achieve a painterly surface in his pictures: the different structures and consistencies assemble to abstract picture …

David Lynch. Transient.

David Lynch became popular with movies such as “Blue Velvet“, “Wild at heart“ or the series “Twin Peaks“. What many don’t know about him: he began his career as a fine artist so that many movies contain processes derived from his education. Lynch (*1946, in Missoula, Montana) went to Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts …

Hanakam & Schuller: CATALOGUE, part 3

CATALOGUE 7/9/2012 -22/9/2012 shows KOKOMO, series of scanned objects, arranged together in an island-like setting. KOKOMO entitled a 1988 song by the Beach Boys, in which they describe Kokomo as an utopian island paradise located in the Bahamas. The artists play with this narrative structure of an imaginary geographic spot and turn it into -on …

CATALOGUE by Hanakam and Schuller

Starting on 24 August the Vienna based artist couple Hanakam & Schuller show a spectrum of their work in our gallery, titled CATALOGUE. This will not only be one, but three exhibitions, which will occur one after another, week by week. Each part introduces another work category and group of themes: Accordingly the gallery appears …

Hanakam Schuller in August

Starting in August the gallery presents for the first time an exhibition of the Vienna based artist couple Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller. Hanakam Schuller have studied in the class of Erwin Wurm, and already had shows all over the world. Lately their short film INVASION (2010) was awarded as “Jury Selection Work” at Japan …

Andy Scholz exhibition after 3 February

Nach unserem Umbau eröffnen wir am 3. Februar die neuen Galerieräume mit einer Ausstellung des Fotokünstlers Andy Scholz. Wir zeigen seine neuen Arbeiten mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Großformaten, die im Zuge seiner USA-Reise entstanden sind. Nach der großen Ausstellung in der Städtischen Galerie Regensburg Mitte 2011, in deren Rahmen auch eine Monographie entstand, ist dies …

Opening Reception Wundertüte 2011

Yesterday this year’s edition of “Wundertüte – Die Kunst in Tüten” started with large audience. Martina Eßer of WDR-TV opened up the exhibition with a charming moderation, describing the experiences round the “Wundertüte” from her very personal point of view. On the part of the participating artists Mulheim painter and sculptorer talked about his personal …

Online sale of Wundertuete 2011 has begun

Starting 1. November, online order of the 11th edition of “Wundertuete – Die Kunst in Tüten” is possible. “WUNDERTÜTE – Die Kunst in Tüten” is now existing for 11 years! – Over the course of the years more than 80 artists have participated in this art event, more than 4000 surprise bags were filled… …

Photo Classics in our Gallery

The Gallery has available a comprehensive stock of classics of the history of photography, amongst others Henri Cartier-Bresson, Germaine Krull, Joel Meyerowitz, August Sander, which you can view in our gallery upon request. Here is a small selection:

Opening Reception upcoming Friday

After summer break Obrist Gallery will start with two exhibitions of depth psychological characteristics: Slava Seidel presents her “dream territory”, paintings full of surrealistic phantasies and “impossible” architectures, whereas Boltanski shows childhood memories re-enacted as grown-up in photographic shots. The Opening Reception will take place on upcoming Friday, 9 September, 7 p.m., you are cordially …

Slava Seidel and Christian Boltanski from Sep. 9

Slava Seidel, born 1974 in Krivoj Rog, Ukraine, is living and working in Frankfurt/ Main. 2009 Master Student of Christa Näher, Städelschule 2002-08 Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Städelschule Frankfurt/ Main 1996 Work as a scene designer 1991-95 Studies in interior architecture, Rerich College, St. Petersburg Slava Seidels paintings are surrealistic phantasies, which recall the “Groteschi” …

Exhibition with Helge Emmaneel and Bianca Müllner

Starting next Friday we will be showing a double exhibition with photo work by Helge Emmaneel and painting by Bianca Müllner. In completely different ways the Hamburg based artists both deal with the theme of the construction of landscape. Helge Emmaneel | Bianca Müllner Selfmade Landscapes 2 July – 14 September, 2011 Opening Reception: Friday, …

Ausstellung Julia Willms verlängert

HERE AND NOW, die aktuelle Ausstellung von Julia Willms ist verlängert bis einschließlich Mittwoch, 6. April 2011. Im Kabinett sind aktuell herausragende Arbeiten von Bernhard Schultze zu sehen, einem der wichtigsten Vertreter des deutschen Informel. Insgesamt zeigen wir 6 Arbeiten des 2005 verstorbenen Künstlers, darunter auch zwei Bilder in Öl auf Leinwand.