in vitro. Ilka Helmig – Speculative Growth.

July 27th – August 31st, 2024, can be viewed from the outside all day. Opening: Saturday, July 27th, 2024, 4-7 p.m. Finissage Saturday, August 31, 2024, 4-7 p.m. Location: Glass pavilion in Grugapark – Glass pavilion on Google Maps We warmly invite you to the exhibition opening on Saturday, July 27, 2024, 4:00 p.m. – …

Where Is My Mind?

Exhibition by HBK Essen students Opening Friday, June 28, 2024, 6 p.m. (with performances by Roman Jäkel, Dahui Lee and Selina Scholinakis) Duration of the exhibition until the finissage, July 13, 2024, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. (with performances by Roman Jäkel and Selina Scholinakis) A catalog has been published. The seminar “Inside Gallery” and …

Armin Hartenstein – locus solus

With “locus solus”, Galerie Obrist is once again showing new works by the Berlin artist Armin Hartenstein. From May to June he will be presenting his diverse landscape interpretations. The master student of Prof. Fritz Schwegler and Prof. Walter Nikkels at the Düsseldorf Art Academy explores the meaning of the newly invented place in his …

in vitro. Emil Walde – Condition

We warmly invite you to the exhibition opening EMIL WALDE – CONDITION SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2024, 4-7 PM Location: GLASS PAVILION IN GRUGAPARK ESSEN Introduction by the curator Dr. Sabine Kampmann Exhibition duration: March 2nd – April 7th, 2024, can be viewed from the outside all day.Finissage Sunday, April 7th, 2024, 4 p.m. – 7 …

TO COVER – Steffen Jopp | Moritz Riesenbeck | Emil Walde

22. März bis 4. Mai 2024 Eröffnung Freitag, 22. März 2024, 19 Uhr Ab 21 Uhr im +BASEMENT: GUZZI & SCUZZO LP-Release, DJ-Set mit Bottrop Bwoy aka Thomas Geier und Yo Shino Steffen Jopp “Within my artistic practice, I refine modes of self-perception and juxtapose them with a volatile environment. Consequently, identity templates emerge, akin …

Dieter Nuhr – About the disappearance of images

Preview February 4, 2024, 3-6 p.m. Exhibition duration: February 4th – March 16th, 2024 The Düsseldorf artist Dieter Nuhr is showing his fifth solo exhibition at Galerie Obrist. While the photographic aspects of his artistic work were previously the focus, new elements are now being added: Nuhr works with digital brushes, combining them with photographic …


This year we are continuing the exhibition series “in vitro. ART IN THE GLASS PAVILION” in Grugapark Essen with two exhibitions: EMIL WALDE – CONDITIONExhibition duration: March 2nd – April 7th, 2024, can be viewed from the outside all day.Opening: SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd, 2024, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Finissage SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2024, 4-7 …

Luxembourg Art Week

Obrist Gallery #A16 at the LUXEMBOURG ART WEEK09-12 Nov., 2023Preview November 9th (by invitation only)Vernissage November 10th 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.Opening hours: Sat, November 11th 10:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.Sun, November 11th 10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Location: Glacis Square, L-1628 Luxembourg WE SHOW:

Jürgen Paas. NEON.

Exhibition from October 21st – November 18, 2023 Opening Friday, October 20th, 7 p.m. The gallery has been working successfully with the German painter and installation artist Jürgen Paas since 2010, and since then we have been showing his new works in solo exhibitions every two years. Our book “United Colors” was published for Jürgen …

Wundertüte 2019

[ycd_countdown id=12627][/ycd_countdown] BEGINN ONLINE VERKAUF: MITTWOCH, 16. NOVEMBER, 10 UHRERÖFFNUNG: FREITAG, 2. DEZEMBER, 19 UHR Mit Arbeiten von Marcela Böhm – Helge Emmaneel – Jáchym Fleig – Ilka Helmig – Simone Haack – Robin Horsch – Jürgen Jansen – Jürgen Paas – Barbara Ring – Armin Scheid – Andreas Titzrath – Julia Willms – Thomas …

Till Augustin und Stephan Marienfeld: BOUND

Exhibition from 09.09. – 12.10.2023 Opening Friday, September 8, 7 p.m. The Nuremberg sculptor Till Augustin has already been shown many times in our gallery and he is now entering into a dialogue with the Hattingen artist Stephan Marienfeld for the first time as part of a double exhibition. Both demand the impossible from the …

Finissage mit Jáchym Fleig

Wir laden Sie herzlichst zur Finnissage der Ausstellung JÁCHYM FLEIG – BIOTOP SONNTAG, 20. AUGUST 2023, AB 17 UHR Ort: GLASPAVILLON IM GRUGAPARK ESSEN Ausstellungsdauer: Bis 20.08.2023, ganztägig von außen zu besichtigen Zum Abschluß der Ausstellung BIOTOP laden wir zum Künstlergespräch mit Jáchym Fleig in den Grugapark. Dies ist auch die letzte Gelegenheit, die aufwändige …

Jáchym Fleig bei “in vitro – Kunst im Glaspavillon”

Wir laden Sie herzlichst ein zur Ausstellungseröffnung JÁCHYM FLEIG – BIOTOP SAMSTAG, 22. JULI 2023, 16–20 UHR Ort: GLASPAVILLON IM GRUGAPARK ESSEN Einführung: Dr. Sabine Kampmann Zur Eröffnung Alternative Pop von Lil Brick und sillyfuture Ausstellungsdauer: 22.07.-20.08.2023, ganztägig von außen zu besichtigen Zur Premiere unserer neuen Ausstellungsreihe “in vitro” zeigen wir Arbeiten des Tschechisch-Deutschen Künstlers …

Where Is My Mind?

From the lecture hall to the gallery Students from the Essen HBK have realized the exhibition “Where Is My Mind” with the Obrist Gallery, which can be seen in Rüttenscheid from July 15, 2023. Students at the Essen HBK have heard the expression “unprofitable art” often enough. But what do artists actually do so that …

Collector’s Lounge 2023

COLLECTOR’S LOUNGE – Selection 2023TILL AUGUSTIN, MARCELA BÖHM, JÜRGEN JANSEN, SANDER REIJGERS, JÜRGEN PAASDIRK SALZ, ANNETTE SAUERMANN, VIOLETTA SELIGER, PETRA DETA WEIDEMANN June 10 – July 8, 2023 Opening Friday, June 9, 2023, 7 p.m In recent years it has become a rule: once a year we present the Collector’s Lounge, with which we give …