Marcela Böhm. Magical Reality.

“My paintings include things, which contradict the motivic logic. This irritation is important for me, because life is like this. You always find disruptions in reality, magical or lyrical moments in everyday life, when you don’t understand anything and nothing fits together. But in the end everything joins to build a wonderful new scenery.”Marcela Böhm …

2000-2020 Twenty Years Galerie Obrist

2000-2020 Twenty Years Galerie Obrist Anniversary Exhibition Selected Works from 20 Years Work by TILL AUGUSTIN WIEBKE BARTSCH MARCELA BÖHM HELGE EMMANEEL ILKA HELMIG ROBIN HORSCH JÜRGEN JANSEN DIETER NUHR JÜRGEN PAAS DIRK SALZ ANDREAS TITZRATH SHINICHI TSUCHIYA GÜNTHER UECKER THOMAS ZIKA and more… Opnening: Friday, 13 March, 2020, 7 p.m. Live Set: Shinda Me …

Dieter Nuhr – Until 7 March

Obrist Gallery is happy to announce the fourth solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr. Most of the shown pictures were taken in 2019 and are now presented fo the first time. Since the recent exhibition two years ago Nuhr went on long-distance journeys for several times, and made his subtle discoveries in Georgia and Iran among …