KIND ALS PINSEL. CHILD AS A BRUSH. Making art, being a mother.

With works by WIEBKE BARTSCH – MARCELA BÖHM – (E.) TWIN GABRIELSIMONE HAACK – ANNEGRET SOLTAU Even today, women artists who become mothers have to grapple with the question of how motherhood is presented to the outside world. Because it almost seems to be a flaw: making art and being a mother is unthinkable for …

WAZ on Sign, Pattern, Ornament

WAZ- Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung published a report by Martina Schürmann on our current exhibition: “Die Bilder werden zur Bühne” (“Images become the stage”) | – Read more HERE! Zeichen – Muster – Ornament (Sign – Pattern – Ornament) Group Show 28 June – 23 August, 2014 Opening Reception 27 June, 2014, 7 p.m.[/lang_en-us]

Sign – Pattern – Ornament

The stronger the artistic autonomy, the more the ornament turns into an accessory part: In the 21st century this rule does not apply anymore, as trend-setting exhibitions by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and the Fondation Beyeler worked out, that ornament currently resurrects as the carrier of a global pictorial language. Geometric, floral and calligraphic ornaments are …

Wiebke Bartsch at Kunsthalle Münster

Currently Kunsthalle Münster is showing the exhibition “Die Liebe zu den Dingen” (Love for things), with the following positions: Wiebke Bartsch, Alexandra Bircken, Karla Black, Kristina Bræin, Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gloël, Surasi Kusolwong, Al Masson, Roman Signer, Florian Slotawa, Erwin Wurm, Haegue Yang. On 3 und 7 of December a TV-report about the exhibition will …

“Unter die Haut” und Wundertüte 2013

Unsere Ausstellung setzt aktuelle Positionen der Malerei in Kontrast und Bezug. Die Haut als Gegenstand der Malerei bedeutete für die Künstler aller Epochen eine besondere Herausforderung. “Das Tiefste, das ist die Haut”, hat es Paul Valery formuliert, und im Kontext der Malerei ist mit diesem Paradoxon nicht nur der besondere Anspruch einer naturgetreuen Widergabe der …

Press Release Wiebke Bartsch

Munster based artist Wiebke Bartsch shows her new solo exhibition „I Could Barely Understand Myself“ at Galerie Obrist until 15 June. With her paintings, drawings and plastic works Bartsch is concerned with questions of identity, role models, physicalness and sexuality, which she comments laconically, often with a humorous punchline. Vollständige Pressemitteilung auf OpenPR Wiebke Bartsch: …

Opening Reception with Wiebke Bartsch on Friday

Upcoming Friday we will celebrate the Opening Reception of the exhibition “Wiebke Bartsch. Clouds pass by”, the artist will be present. The Master Student of Timm Ulrichs will showcase new drawings, textile wallpieces and installations. More about Wiebke Bartsch Wiebke Bartsch: “Clouds Pass By”. Oct. 2 – Nov. 6, 2010