WAZ on Sign, Pattern, Ornament

WAZ- Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung published a report by Martina Schürmann on our current exhibition: “Die Bilder werden zur Bühne” (“Images become the stage”) | WAZ.de – Read more HERE! Zeichen – Muster – Ornament (Sign – Pattern – Ornament) Group Show 28 June – 23 August, 2014 Opening Reception 27 June, 2014, 7 p.m.[/lang_en-us]

Sign – Pattern – Ornament

The stronger the artistic autonomy, the more the ornament turns into an accessory part: In the 21st century this rule does not apply anymore, as trend-setting exhibitions by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and the Fondation Beyeler worked out, that ornament currently resurrects as the carrier of a global pictorial language. Geometric, floral and calligraphic ornaments are …