Armin Hartenstein – locus solus

With “locus solus”, Galerie Obrist is once again showing new works by the Berlin artist Armin Hartenstein. From May to June he will be presenting his diverse landscape interpretations. The master student of Prof. Fritz Schwegler and Prof. Walter Nikkels at the Düsseldorf Art Academy explores the meaning of the newly invented place in his …

Jürgen Paas. NEON.

Exhibition from October 21st – November 18, 2023 Opening Friday, October 20th, 7 p.m. The gallery has been working successfully with the German painter and installation artist Jürgen Paas since 2010, and since then we have been showing his new works in solo exhibitions every two years. Our book “United Colors” was published for Jürgen …

Jáchym Fleig bei “in vitro – Kunst im Glaspavillon”

Wir laden Sie herzlichst ein zur Ausstellungseröffnung JÁCHYM FLEIG – BIOTOP SAMSTAG, 22. JULI 2023, 16–20 UHR Ort: GLASPAVILLON IM GRUGAPARK ESSEN Einführung: Dr. Sabine Kampmann Zur Eröffnung Alternative Pop von Lil Brick und sillyfuture Ausstellungsdauer: 22.07.-20.08.2023, ganztägig von außen zu besichtigen Zur Premiere unserer neuen Ausstellungsreihe “in vitro” zeigen wir Arbeiten des Tschechisch-Deutschen Künstlers …

Jürgen Jansen. Nodding Yellow.

Opening Friday, March 10, 2023, 7 p.m. Duration of the exhibition: March 11 – April 22, 2023 Opening times: WED-FRI 12-18h, SAT 10-16h The works of the Düsseldorf artist Jürgen Jansen are abstract, although here and there one would like to recognize objects, such as cell structures, floral forms or underwater worlds. Before studying fine …

KIND ALS PINSEL. CHILD AS A BRUSH. Making art, being a mother.

With works by WIEBKE BARTSCH – MARCELA BÖHM – (E.) TWIN GABRIELSIMONE HAACK – ANNEGRET SOLTAU Even today, women artists who become mothers have to grapple with the question of how motherhood is presented to the outside world. Because it almost seems to be a flaw: making art and being a mother is unthinkable for …

Thomas Zika – Sovereign Fruits

Statement by Thomas Zika: “…Before taking any photographs I am pretreating my analog 4×5 inch film material with mushrooms, which pollute out their spores latently on the film sheets, creating beautiful, but chaotic lamella circles. Depending on humidity and ripeness I let this hidden process endure from hours to months. Serendipity is my friend and …

Dirk Salz – Every Colour You Are

In the second half of 2021, under the title PRÄSENZ, the gallery will show three artists from the gallery who have been closely associated with the gallery for a long time: Jürgen Jansen, Dirk Salz and Jürgen Paas. The focus of the series is on non-digitizable works, art that can only be adequately experienced in …

Jürgen Jansen – Any Colour But Red.

In the second half of 2021, under the title PRÄSENZ, we will show three gallery artists who have been closely associated with the gallery for a long time: Jansen, Salz and Paas. The focus of the series is on non-digitizable works, art that can only be adequately experienced in the presence of the art object …

NÄHE #3 – First View

Video on our exhibition: NÄHE #3 – verführen. Opening in the gallery and on INSTAGRAM LIVE Friday, 18 June 2021, 7 p.m. NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition seriesArtists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau Schedule: March until August, 2021 03/19/ – 05/02/2021 …

Marcela Böhm. Magical Reality.

“My paintings include things, which contradict the motivic logic. This irritation is important for me, because life is like this. You always find disruptions in reality, magical or lyrical moments in everyday life, when you don’t understand anything and nothing fits together. But in the end everything joins to build a wonderful new scenery.”Marcela Böhm …

2000-2020 Twenty Years Galerie Obrist

2000-2020 Twenty Years Galerie Obrist Anniversary Exhibition Selected Works from 20 Years Work by TILL AUGUSTIN WIEBKE BARTSCH MARCELA BÖHM HELGE EMMANEEL ILKA HELMIG ROBIN HORSCH JÜRGEN JANSEN DIETER NUHR JÜRGEN PAAS DIRK SALZ ANDREAS TITZRATH SHINICHI TSUCHIYA GÜNTHER UECKER THOMAS ZIKA and more… Opnening: Friday, 13 March, 2020, 7 p.m. Live Set: Shinda Me …

Dieter Nuhr – Until 7 March

Obrist Gallery is happy to announce the fourth solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr. Most of the shown pictures were taken in 2019 and are now presented fo the first time. Since the recent exhibition two years ago Nuhr went on long-distance journeys for several times, and made his subtle discoveries in Georgia and Iran among …

Marcela Böhm. What Never Changes.

“That we togehter with the painter are left between dream and nightmare establishes the quality of her painting. The familiar becomes alien and treacherous, the everyday turns unfamiliar and threatening. …Read this way, Marcela Böhm’s painting is in its beauty as well as its abrupt, occasionally brutal disruption a continuous battle for security, for pictures …

Dieter Nuhr. Photographs.

Obrist Gallery is happy to announce the third solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr. Since the recent exhibition two years ago Nuhr went on long-distance journeys for several times, and made his subtle discoveries in Moldavia, Georgia and Mexico among others, like the East German province. In big sized photographs Nuhr opens windows to a graceful …

Jürgen Paas – Jukebox

The gallery will be showing the new paintings, objects and installation by Essen based artist Jürgen Paas. In the focus of the exhibition are “TARGETS”, installations for wall and ground, made of coloured PVC straps and aluminum, which have arised in the recent two years. On view are also examples from different workgroups, developed since …

Marcela Böhm. All The Happy Families.

The gallery will be showing current paintings by Marcela Böhm, and to a greater degree new drawings and graphic work, which underline the exceptional talent of the German-Argentinian artist of portraying human and especially familistic relationships. CV Marcela Böhm Marcela Böhm. All The Happy Families. 9 September – 7 October, 2017 Opening Reception Friday, 8. …

| New Work by Simone Haack

Pictures of our current exhibition “Hinterland”. CV Simone Haack Simone Haack. Hinterland. 13 May – 1 July, 2017 Opening Reception Friday, 12 May, 2017, 7 p.m. In the exhibition “Hinterland“ we show paintings and drawings by Berlin based artist Simone Haack. A special, immediate tension arises when you take a closer look at the pictures. …

Simone Haack. Hinterland.

The new paintings by Berlin artist Simone Haack open up paradoxical worlds. The soft painted portraits and the idyllic landscapes seem to derive from the field of classical beauty and harmony, but at a second glance the viewer recognizes the subtleness, the mistery and disconcertment in this strange pictorial world. CV Simone Haack Simone Haack. …

Armin Hartenstein. cutout.

In September the gallery will show new image objects and installations by Armin Hartenstein. In addition to pictorial objects reminiscent of landscape painting we will show current architectural-related works in which surface and space, depth and emptiness build an exciting balance. The work “Cutout“, a large image surface which one can pass through, was specifically …

Exhibition Dieter Nuhr

Gallery Obrist is happy to announce the second solo exhibition by Dieter Nuhr, called “Foreign Terrain“. While the artist is known to many as a comedian and, with that, for his use of words, the medium of photography allows for a different form of expression. He studied fine arts at the former Folkwang School in …

Marcela Böhm. City And People.

Obrist Gallery shows new works by Buenos Ayres born artist Marcela Böhm. Urban pictures have become an important subject for her, and we have the pleasure to present several of these pictures for the first time in our exhibition. Marcela Böhm. City And People. 9 May – 13 June, 2015 Opening Reception Friday, 8 May, …

Detlef Orlopp – Photography.

At the same time to his upcoming exhibition at Museum Folkwang Obrist Gallery shows works by German photographer Detlef Orlopp (*1937). Orlopp was a student of Otto Steinert in Saarbruecken, and he moved with Steinert to Folkwangschule Essen in 1959. Nevertheless he is only partly a supporter of Steinert’s “Subjektive Fotografie”, because of its formative …

Exhibition with Dieter Nuhr

“Each form has its own means of expression. With language I can be ironic, but through the pictorial language the world seems more serious to me.”, says well-known humorist Dieter Nuhr about the two great creative poles in his life. Beyond the stage world he devotes his time to photography. His work does not represent …