KIND ALS PINSEL. CHILD AS A BRUSH. Making art, being a mother.

With works by WIEBKE BARTSCH – MARCELA BÖHM – (E.) TWIN GABRIELSIMONE HAACK – ANNEGRET SOLTAU Even today, women artists who become mothers have to grapple with the question of how motherhood is presented to the outside world. Because it almost seems to be a flaw: making art and being a mother is unthinkable for …

Collector`s Lounge

JÜRGEN JANSEN – JÜRGEN PAAS – DIRK SALZ – MARCELA BÖHM – DIETER NUHR – SIMONE HAACK – ARMIN HARTENSTEIN – ILKA HELMIG The summer can come! For our COLLECTOR’S LOUNGE we have brought together recent and outstanding works by various artists of the gallery, including works with epoxy resin by JÜRGEN JANSEN, new JUKEBOXES …

NÄHE #3 – First View

Video on our exhibition: NÄHE #3 – verführen. Opening in the gallery and on INSTAGRAM LIVE Friday, 18 June 2021, 7 p.m. NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition seriesArtists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau Schedule: March until August, 2021 03/19/ – 05/02/2021 …

NÄHE #2 – First View

Video on our exhibition: NÄHE #2 – spüren. Opening on INSTAGRAM LIVE Friday, 7 May 2021, 7 p.m. NÄHE (Closeness) exhibition seriesArtists: Marcela Böhm, Andrea Božić & Julia Willms, John Coplans, EVA & ADELE, FLATZ, (e.)Twin Gabriel, Simone Haack, Franziska Nast, Annegret Soltau Schedule: March until August, 2021 03/19/ – 05/02/2021 NÄHE #1 – berühren …

| New Work by Simone Haack

Pictures of our current exhibition “Hinterland”. CV Simone Haack Simone Haack. Hinterland. 13 May – 1 July, 2017 Opening Reception Friday, 12 May, 2017, 7 p.m. In the exhibition “Hinterland“ we show paintings and drawings by Berlin based artist Simone Haack. A special, immediate tension arises when you take a closer look at the pictures. …

Simone Haack. Hinterland.

The new paintings by Berlin artist Simone Haack open up paradoxical worlds. The soft painted portraits and the idyllic landscapes seem to derive from the field of classical beauty and harmony, but at a second glance the viewer recognizes the subtleness, the mistery and disconcertment in this strange pictorial world. CV Simone Haack Simone Haack. …

Art Karlsruhe 2017

Die 14. Ausgabe der art KARLSRUHE präsentiert über 200 internationale Galerien. Seit Anfang an ist die Galerie Obrist bereits auf dieser Messe vertreten. In diesem Jahr finden Sie uns wie zuvor in der Halle 2, Stand E12. Wir zeigen dort: Neue Arbeiten von ARMIN HARTENSTEIN – JÜRGEN JANSEN – JÜRGEN PAAS – DIRK SALZ, Fotografie …


In our first exhibition this year we will show a selection of painting positions of the gallery, including Jürgen Paas’ concrete color archives and figurative paintings by Simone Haack. All participating artists primarily show new and recent works. Marcela Böhm, Simone Haack, Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz FAVORITES. January 23 – February …

Artists And News

Shinichi Tsuchiya “Criterium 92” (solo show) Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan 20 Feb – 15 May 2016 Dieter Nuhr “Nuhr aus Wesel”. Städtisches Museum Wesel 24 Jan – 13 Mar 2016 Julia Willms Rauminstallation “home” in der Ausstellung “Himmelwärts” Altana Kulturstiftung Bad Homburg 18 Oct 2015 – 14 Feb 2016 Jürgen Paas …

Kunst 15 Zurich

At this year’s Kunst Zurich from 29 October through 1 November we will be presenting works by: Till Augustin, Marcela Böhm, Simone Haack, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz and Martin Schwenk. We are looking forward to meeting you there! Kunst 15 Zurich, Booth A1 30 Oct. – 02 Nov., 2014 ABB-Hall 550, Zurich-Oerlikon

Sign – Pattern – Ornament

The stronger the artistic autonomy, the more the ornament turns into an accessory part: In the 21st century this rule does not apply anymore, as trend-setting exhibitions by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and the Fondation Beyeler worked out, that ornament currently resurrects as the carrier of a global pictorial language. Geometric, floral and calligraphic ornaments are …

Simone Haack – White Shadows

In our first solo exhibition of the young painter Simone Haack from Berlin we are showing a representative cross section of her recent work, with an emphasis on her most current pieces. The scholar of Karin Kneffel impresses the audience with her evermore challenging snapshots, often dealing with children and adolescents. The line between good …

Obrist Gallery at Art Karlsruhe

Next week, 13-16 March, we show highlights of the gallery programme at Art Karlsruhe. At our booth in hall 2 / #E12 we present a One Artist Show of Mannheim based artist Peter Schlör for the first time. Furthermore: MARCELA BÖHM, ARMIN HARTENSTEIN, DIETER KRÄNZLEIN and JÜRGEN PAAS, who we already have introduced in Karlsruhe …

Exhibitions until June 2014

Our upcoming exhibitions: EDGES – Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz. 25 Jan. – 16 March 2014 Opening Reception 24 Jan., 7 p.m. ART KARLSRUHE, Hall 2, E12 13 – 16 March, 2014 Opening Reception 12 March Simone Haack – Weiße Schatten. 22 March – 3 May, 2014 Opening Reception 21 March, 7 p.m. Andy …

“Unter die Haut” und Wundertüte 2013

Unsere Ausstellung setzt aktuelle Positionen der Malerei in Kontrast und Bezug. Die Haut als Gegenstand der Malerei bedeutete für die Künstler aller Epochen eine besondere Herausforderung. “Das Tiefste, das ist die Haut”, hat es Paul Valery formuliert, und im Kontext der Malerei ist mit diesem Paradoxon nicht nur der besondere Anspruch einer naturgetreuen Widergabe der …