Jürgen Paas. NEON.

Exhibition from October 21st – November 18, 2023 Opening Friday, October 20th, 7 p.m. The gallery has been working successfully with the German painter and installation artist Jürgen Paas since 2010, and since then we have been showing his new works in solo exhibitions every two years. Our book “United Colors” was published for Jürgen …

Collector’s Lounge 2023

COLLECTOR’S LOUNGE – Selection 2023TILL AUGUSTIN, MARCELA BÖHM, JÜRGEN JANSEN, SANDER REIJGERS, JÜRGEN PAASDIRK SALZ, ANNETTE SAUERMANN, VIOLETTA SELIGER, PETRA DETA WEIDEMANN June 10 – July 8, 2023 Opening Friday, June 9, 2023, 7 p.m In recent years it has become a rule: once a year we present the Collector’s Lounge, with which we give …


In the FAZ of September 10th there is a report on our exhibition REAL TIME in the Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg. REAL TIME With TILL AUGUSTIN, BODO KORSIG, ELISABETH MERL, JÜRGEN PAAS, DIRK SALZ In cooperation with Gallery Obrist July 31 – September 18, 2022 Neuer Kunstverein Aschaffenburg, Landingstrasse 16, 63739 Aschaffenburg

Collector`s Lounge

JÜRGEN JANSEN – JÜRGEN PAAS – DIRK SALZ – MARCELA BÖHM – DIETER NUHR – SIMONE HAACK – ARMIN HARTENSTEIN – ILKA HELMIG The summer can come! For our COLLECTOR’S LOUNGE we have brought together recent and outstanding works by various artists of the gallery, including works with epoxy resin by JÜRGEN JANSEN, new JUKEBOXES …

Jürgen Paas – United Colours

Die Reihe PRÄSENZ findet nach den Ausstellungen mit Jürgen Jansen und Dirk Salz ihren Abschluss mit Jürgen Paas. Wir stellen neue Variationen der Werkreihe JUKEBOX vor, sowie eine neue TARGET-Installation. Im Ursprung ist es die Malerei, die Jürgen Paas antreibt, aber keine mit Pinsel und Farbe, sondern eine Malerei mit industriell vorgefertigten Materialien, mit denen …

Luxembourg Art Week

INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR. For the first time the gallery will be participating at the young art fair in Luxembourg. At booth C10 Obrist Gallery will be showing artworks by ILKA HELMIG JÜRGEN JANSEN JÜRGEN PAAS DIRK SALZ PETER SCHLÖR LUXEMBOURG ART WEEK 8-10 November, 2019 Halle Victor Hugo, 60 ave. Victor Hugo, Luxembourg OPENING …

Art Karlsruhe 2019

For the 16th time the Art Karlsruhe takes place, with approx. 200 galleries one of the larger art fairs in the German-speaking area. The programme ranges from classical modern art to contemporary art. Over 200 international galleries present their gallery programme as well as numerous one-artist shows, flanked by a varied supporting programme and special …

Kunst 18 Zürich

KUNST 18 ZÜRICH. 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR. On this year’s artfair at Zürich Obrist Gallery will be showing work by Hans Arp Till Augustin Marcela Böhm Christiane Grimm Jürgen Jansen Jürgen Paas Sigmar Polke Dirk Salz Martin Schwenk Catherine Waser KUNST 18 ZÜRICH 25-28 October, 2018 ABB-Halle 550, Zürich-Oerlikon VERNISSAGE: Thursday 25 Oct., 2018, …

Art Bodensee 2018

Collectors, experts and art beginners come together from 12. – 15. July, 2018 for the 18. time at the Art Bodensee in Dornbirn, Austria, – the only summer artfair in the German-speaking area. – You will find Obrist Gallery in hall 11, booth 55. We will be showing work by TILL AUGUSTIN, THOMAS DEYLE, CHRISTIANE …

Art Karlsruhe 2018

At the 15th edition of art KARLSRUHE more than 200 international galleries are participating. This year you will find us like 2017 in hall 2, booth E12. Amongst others we will be showing a One Artist Show of DIRK SALZ, new work by JÜRGEN JANSEN and JÜRGEN PAAS, photography by DIETER NUHR and PETER SCHLÖR, …

Jürgen Paas – Jukebox

The gallery will be showing the new paintings, objects and installation by Essen based artist Jürgen Paas. In the focus of the exhibition are “TARGETS”, installations for wall and ground, made of coloured PVC straps and aluminum, which have arised in the recent two years. On view are also examples from different workgroups, developed since …

Kunst 17 Zürich

At Kunst Zurich we will show a variety of exciting works by Till Augustin, Marcela Böhm, Thomas Deyle, Christiane Grimm, Uwe Karlsen, Pi Ledergerber, Jürgen Paas und Dirk Salz. In addition there will be sculptures by reknown artist Uwe Karlsen on display in the curated “Statement Schweiz” section. We are looking forward to your visit …

Art Karlsruhe 2017

Die 14. Ausgabe der art KARLSRUHE präsentiert über 200 internationale Galerien. Seit Anfang an ist die Galerie Obrist bereits auf dieser Messe vertreten. In diesem Jahr finden Sie uns wie zuvor in der Halle 2, Stand E12. Wir zeigen dort: Neue Arbeiten von ARMIN HARTENSTEIN – JÜRGEN JANSEN – JÜRGEN PAAS – DIRK SALZ, Fotografie …

Kunst 16 Zürich

At the already 22nd edition of established and lively Art fair Kunst Zurich we will show a variety of exciting works by Till Augustin, Marcela Böhm, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz and Armin Hartenstein. Following our succesfull group show “Positions” we will also have current works by Norbert Thomas, Ottmar Hörl and Anke Eilergerhaard. In addition …

Positions – Participating Artists

With POSITIONS our gallery starts a new series in which one of our artists will sporadically curate an exhibition with external artists of his/her choice. The gallery program is temporarily extended. Artists and the gallery use the existing networks to create new cooperations of their own dynamic since the view from the outside intensifies the …


We will show current works by five reknown artists. For the first time in our gallery the selection of the participants has been done by artist Jürgen Paas who himself had several exhibitions in our gallery: The gallery program extends temporarily, new artistic positions are to be discovered. POSITIONS. Invited by Jürgen Paas. ANKE EILERGERHARD …

Art Karlsruhe 2016

Messe Karlsruhe in Rheinstetten At this year’s Art Karlsruhe Obrist Gallery will be showing a One Artist Show with Dieter Nuhr and works by Till Augustin, Armin Hartenstein, Jürgen Paas and Dirk Salz. We will present more artists in our cabinet. Art Karlsruhe, H2 / E12 18-21 February, 2016 Karlsruhe Fairground in Rheinstetten


In our first exhibition this year we will show a selection of painting positions of the gallery, including Jürgen Paas’ concrete color archives and figurative paintings by Simone Haack. All participating artists primarily show new and recent works. Marcela Böhm, Simone Haack, Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz FAVORITES. January 23 – February …

Artists And News

Shinichi Tsuchiya “Criterium 92” (solo show) Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan 20 Feb – 15 May 2016 Dieter Nuhr “Nuhr aus Wesel”. Städtisches Museum Wesel 24 Jan – 13 Mar 2016 Julia Willms Rauminstallation “home” in der Ausstellung “Himmelwärts” Altana Kulturstiftung Bad Homburg 18 Oct 2015 – 14 Feb 2016 Jürgen Paas …

Kunst 15 Zurich

At this year’s Kunst Zurich from 29 October through 1 November we will be presenting works by: Till Augustin, Marcela Böhm, Simone Haack, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz and Martin Schwenk. We are looking forward to meeting you there! Kunst 15 Zurich, Booth A1 30 Oct. – 02 Nov., 2014 ABB-Hall 550, Zurich-Oerlikon

BlinkyBlinky by Jürgen Paas

The recollection of modern icons occupies contemporary artists everywhere. With his new series BlinkyBlinky Jürgen Paas reflects on the work of legendary Blinky Palermo, who himself is hardly classifiable, and who always had winking references to the history of art in his work. More about Jürgen Paas Jürgen Paas. BlinkyBlinky. 5 September – 17 October, …

Art Karlsruhe 2015


CONTEXT Art Miami 2014

From upcoming Tuesday the gallery again shows a selection of its programme at CONTEXT Art Miami, booth #E72. For the first time we present works by Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig and Jürgen Paas, and like in 2013 Marcela Böhm und Ted VanCleave. CONTEXT Art Miami, booth #E72 VIP Preview December 2, 2014 General Admission December …

Kunst 14 Zurich

30 October through 2 November Kunst Zurich will take place again, the only remarkable artfair in Switerland beside Art Basel. This fair is already existing for 20 years, and the jubilee will be celebrated adequately. Galerie Obrist will be showing at booth A1 works by: Till Augustin, Marcela Böhm, Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas …

WAZ on Sign, Pattern, Ornament

WAZ- Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung published a report by Martina Schürmann on our current exhibition: “Die Bilder werden zur Bühne” (“Images become the stage”) | WAZ.de – Read more HERE! Zeichen – Muster – Ornament (Sign – Pattern – Ornament) Group Show 28 June – 23 August, 2014 Opening Reception 27 June, 2014, 7 p.m.[/lang_en-us]

Sign – Pattern – Ornament

The stronger the artistic autonomy, the more the ornament turns into an accessory part: In the 21st century this rule does not apply anymore, as trend-setting exhibitions by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and the Fondation Beyeler worked out, that ornament currently resurrects as the carrier of a global pictorial language. Geometric, floral and calligraphic ornaments are …

Obrist Gallery at Art Karlsruhe

Next week, 13-16 March, we show highlights of the gallery programme at Art Karlsruhe. At our booth in hall 2 / #E12 we present a One Artist Show of Mannheim based artist Peter Schlör for the first time. Furthermore: MARCELA BÖHM, ARMIN HARTENSTEIN, DIETER KRÄNZLEIN and JÜRGEN PAAS, who we already have introduced in Karlsruhe …

conTEMPORARY in Paris

Last weekend obrist conTEMPORARY presented an exhibition with Jürgen Paas in a popup gallery at Avenue de l’Opera in Paris. The clear works of Paas were in exciting contrast to the construction site situation of the shop. – Many thanks to Claude Steinmetz and ecco shop. – We had lots of nice visitors! Here some …

Jürgen Paas – SEJOUR. Paris Weekend.

We cordially invite you to our popup-gallery in Paris with the exhibition JÜRGEN PAAS – SEJOUR Friday, 7 February 2014, 6-10 p.m. and Saturday, 8 February 2014, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. obrist conTEMPORARY, 15, Av. de l’Opera, 75001 Paris (Métro Pyramides) Meet Jürgen Paas in a beautiful showroom very close to the Louvre and …