TO COVER – Steffen Jopp | Moritz Riesenbeck | Emil Walde

22. März bis 4. Mai 2024 Eröffnung Freitag, 22. März 2024, 19 Uhr Ab 21 Uhr im +BASEMENT: GUZZI & SCUZZO LP-Release, DJ-Set mit Bottrop Bwoy aka Thomas Geier und Yo Shino Steffen Jopp “Within my artistic practice, I refine modes of self-perception and juxtapose them with a volatile environment. Consequently, identity templates emerge, akin …

Till Augustin und Stephan Marienfeld: BOUND

Exhibition from 09.09. – 12.10.2023 Opening Friday, September 8, 7 p.m. The Nuremberg sculptor Till Augustin has already been shown many times in our gallery and he is now entering into a dialogue with the Hattingen artist Stephan Marienfeld for the first time as part of a double exhibition. Both demand the impossible from the …

Jáchym Fleig bei “in vitro – Kunst im Glaspavillon”

Wir laden Sie herzlichst ein zur Ausstellungseröffnung JÁCHYM FLEIG – BIOTOP SAMSTAG, 22. JULI 2023, 16–20 UHR Ort: GLASPAVILLON IM GRUGAPARK ESSEN Einführung: Dr. Sabine Kampmann Zur Eröffnung Alternative Pop von Lil Brick und sillyfuture Ausstellungsdauer: 22.07.-20.08.2023, ganztägig von außen zu besichtigen Zur Premiere unserer neuen Ausstellungsreihe “in vitro” zeigen wir Arbeiten des Tschechisch-Deutschen Künstlers …

durch – Jáchym Fleig / Armin Hartenstein

The Trier sculptor Jáchym Fleig and the Berlin painter and draftsman Armin Hartenstein have already entered into a dialogue in several group exhibitions. Under the title “through” they are now showing a double exhibition in the gallery for the first time. Fleig (*1970) and Hartenstein (*1968) were both born in tranquil Villingen-Schwenningen in the Black …

Double Exhibition with Armin Hartenstein and Martin Schwenk

The focus of our double exhibition is the dialogue between painting and sculpture: The pictures of Armin Hartenstein meet the plastic works of Martin Schwenk. The Dusseldorf based artists are comparable in their metaphorical view on landscape and nature. Their works are manifests of the unfinished, visualizing the process of its formation. With this exhibition …

EDGES with Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas und Dirk Salz

In our exhibition EDGES installations of Jürgen Paas enter into dialogue with reliefs of Bodo Korsig and paintings of Dirk Salz. In the context of the exhibition the two last mentioned artists will be shown for the first time in our gallery. Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas and Dirk Salz have been shown frequently in international …

Dieter Kränzlein and Till Augustin

From the 6th of September to the 5th October Galerie Obrist is exhibiting selected pieces by the two renowned sculptors Dieter Kränzlein and Till Austin. The artists use materials that appear static, solid and motionless by nature. Nevertheless, both artists succeeded in inverting the properties of the materials and turned them into light, flexible and …

Martin Schwenk in Schwaebisch Gmuend

From 14 June Martin Schwenk will be showing a solo exhibition at Museum Galerie im Prediger, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. Martin Schwenk. Affentellerschraubenblockbaumbuster. 14 June – 1 September, 2013 Opening Reception Friday 14 June, 2013, 7 p.m. Galerie im Prediger, Johannisplatz 3, D-73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd

Martin Schwenk in the “Künstlerlexikon”

“Künstler – Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst” is a periodically published lexikon, which presents contemporary artists. Volume 100 has just been released, and it is dedicated to the Dusseldorf painter and sulptor Martin Schwenk, who we presented with a solo exhibition in spring 2012, and who had a simultaneous exhibition at Museum Haus Lange in Krefeld. …

Hanakam & Schuller: CATALOGUE, part 3

CATALOGUE 7/9/2012 -22/9/2012 shows KOKOMO, series of scanned objects, arranged together in an island-like setting. KOKOMO entitled a 1988 song by the Beach Boys, in which they describe Kokomo as an utopian island paradise located in the Bahamas. The artists play with this narrative structure of an imaginary geographic spot and turn it into -on …

Hanakam & Schuller: CATALOGUE, part 2

In the focus of the second part of the exhibition series CATALOGUE by Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schüller is the short film INVASION, which lately was awarded as “Jury Selection Work” at Japan Media Arts Festival 2012. Here is the trailer: There is a whole body of theoretical reflection about apparatus in cinema theory that …

Hanakam & Schuller: CATALOGUE, part 1

Yesterday was the opening reception of the first part of the exhibition CATALOGUE by Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller. Main work of this exhibition is the installation “White Cube with Sprinkles”, more than the half of the gallery floor is covered with sugar sprinkles. In addition to it two video works, one large-size drawing and …

CATALOGUE by Hanakam and Schuller

Starting on 24 August the Vienna based artist couple Hanakam & Schuller show a spectrum of their work in our gallery, titled CATALOGUE. This will not only be one, but three exhibitions, which will occur one after another, week by week. Each part introduces another work category and group of themes: Accordingly the gallery appears …

Armin Hartenstein – Havary

Following our recent Martin Schwenk exhibition, with Armin Hartenstein we present another highly topical sculptor position, despite the fact, that Hartenstein assesses himself as a painter. But this description falls too short: The large-format works take a look at a rock formation in a very sculpural way. The rock formation is separated from its environment, …

Opening Reception Armin Hartenstein on Friday

We cordially invite you to our upcoming Opening Reception with ARMIN HARTENSTEIN, Friday, 25 May, 2012, 7 p.m., introduction by Bernd Ruzicska. Titled HAVARY we show new works by the Dusseldorf based artist. Our exhibition contains large-size reliefs, which seem to be pictorial models of fictional landscapes, and works from the small-sized series “Mes Amis …

Book on Martin Schwenk just arrived

The book on Martin Schwenk published by Kerber is now available in the gallery. – On 120 pages the “cabinet of wonder” of Martin Schwenk has been opened with numerous large-format illustrations, supported by well-informed and worth reading articles on his work: Martin Schwenk. Home Grown. 18 March to 18 August 2012, Museum Haus Lange, …

Hanakam Schuller in August

Starting in August the gallery presents for the first time an exhibition of the Vienna based artist couple Markus Hanakam and Roswitha Schuller. Hanakam Schuller have studied in the class of Erwin Wurm, and already had shows all over the world. Lately their short film INVASION (2010) was awarded as “Jury Selection Work” at Japan …

Bilder zur Ausstellung Dieter Kränzlein

Gestern abend, 7. Mai, war die Ausstellungseröffnung “Dieter Kränzlein: Arbeiten in Stein”. Zahlreiche Besucher freuten sich über ein Wiedersehen mit dem Stuttgarter Künstler und seinen Werken. Die Bilder geben einen Eindruck von der Ausstellung vor Beginn der Eröffnung. Dieter Kränzlein wurde 1962 in Stuttgart geboren, machte eine Ausbildung zum Steinbildhauer, und kam 1985 zu dem …