Next week, 13-16 March, we show highlights of the gallery programme at Art Karlsruhe. At our booth in hall 2 / #E12 we present a One Artist Show of Mannheim based artist Peter Schlör for the first time. Furthermore: MARCELA BÖHM, ARMIN HARTENSTEIN, DIETER KRÄNZLEIN and JÜRGEN PAAS, who we already have introduced in Karlsruhe in earlier years. New at our booth: TILL AUGUSTIN, SIMONE HAACK, BODO KORSIG and DIRK SALZ. And as a special accent works by two classics of German contemporary art are to be seen: EMIL SCHUMACHER und GÜNTHER UECKER.
Art Karlsruhe
13-16 March, 2014
Hours: Thu-Sat 12-20h, Sun 11-19h
Messe Karlsruhe, Messeallee 1, 76287 Rheinstetten