Double Exhibition with Armin Hartenstein and Martin Schwenk

The focus of our double exhibition is the dialogue between painting and sculpture: The pictures of Armin Hartenstein meet the plastic works of Martin Schwenk. The Dusseldorf based artists are comparable in their metaphorical view on landscape and nature. Their works are manifests of the unfinished, visualizing the process of its formation. With this exhibition …

Drawbacks Of The Skylines

German-Argentinian painter Marcela Böhm has become popular with her society and people scenes. With her individual style she characterized people of her direct surroundings in unconventional situations. Now she has turned her hand to the city theme, herself born in megacity Buenos Ayres. She does not show us panoramas in the literal sense of the …

Marcela Böhm. City And People.

Obrist Gallery shows new works by Buenos Ayres born artist Marcela Böhm. Urban pictures have become an important subject for her, and we have the pleasure to present several of these pictures for the first time in our exhibition. Marcela Böhm. City And People. 9 May – 13 June, 2015 Opening Reception Friday, 8 May, …

Art Karlsruhe 2015


Detlef Orlopp – Photography.

At the same time to his upcoming exhibition at Museum Folkwang Obrist Gallery shows works by German photographer Detlef Orlopp (*1937). Orlopp was a student of Otto Steinert in Saarbruecken, and he moved with Steinert to Folkwangschule Essen in 1959. Nevertheless he is only partly a supporter of Steinert’s “Subjektive Fotografie”, because of its formative …

Exhibition with Dieter Nuhr

“Each form has its own means of expression. With language I can be ironic, but through the pictorial language the world seems more serious to me.”, says well-known humorist Dieter Nuhr about the two great creative poles in his life. Beyond the stage world he devotes his time to photography. His work does not represent …

Opening Hours

Current Opening Hours: Tuesday, 30 Dec., 12-18h Wednesday, 31 Dec., 10-13h From Friday, 2 January, 2015 again we have our regular opening hours. Until 10 Jan., 2015: WUNDERTÜTE 2014 / BORDERLINES Next exhibition: DIETER NUHR. Photography. 31 Jan. – 11 March, 2015 We wish you a Happy New Year!

CONTEXT Art Miami 2014

From upcoming Tuesday the gallery again shows a selection of its programme at CONTEXT Art Miami, booth #E72. For the first time we present works by Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig and Jürgen Paas, and like in 2013 Marcela Böhm und Ted VanCleave. CONTEXT Art Miami, booth #E72 VIP Preview December 2, 2014 General Admission December …

Wundertüte 2014

Last Friday we started our yearly event “Wundertüte – Die Kunst in Tüten”, many artists and 150 visitors attending. Again we had a big press of people with only about 80 bags remaining. At you can order online. Participating artists 2014: Till Augustin, Wiebke Bartsch, Marcela Böhm, Ralf Bohnenkamp, Helge Emmaneel, Michael Goller, Simone …

Kunst 14 Zurich

30 October through 2 November Kunst Zurich will take place again, the only remarkable artfair in Switerland beside Art Basel. This fair is already existing for 20 years, and the jubilee will be celebrated adequately. Galerie Obrist will be showing at booth A1 works by: Till Augustin, Marcela Böhm, Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas …

WAZ reports on Cartier-Bresson and Capa

Article on our current exhibition in the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 24 September, text by Martina Schürmann, photograph by Knut Vahlensieck. (pdf 750kb, german) Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa: The Decisive Moment. 06 Sep.-18 Oct., 2014 Opening Reception: Friday, 5 Sep., 2014, 19h

Recommended Exhibitions

LICHT FARBE RAUM Hanakam und Schuller, Armin Hartenstein, Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz. 20.09.-16.10.2014, Eröffnung am 20.09.2014, 10-16h Sachtleben Chemie GmbH, Dr.-Rudolf-Sachtleben-Str. 4, 47198 Duisburg SIMONE HAACK SPECIES. Bea Emsbach, Iris Schieferstein, Simone Haack, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Gustavo Lacerda. 29.08.-25.10.2014. Kunstverein Gera, Markt 8/9, 07545 Gera HANAKAM UND SCHULLER ART INTERNATIONAL ISTANBUL 2014. 26.-28. …

WAZ on Sign, Pattern, Ornament

WAZ- Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung published a report by Martina Schürmann on our current exhibition: “Die Bilder werden zur Bühne” (“Images become the stage”) | – Read more HERE! Zeichen – Muster – Ornament (Sign – Pattern – Ornament) Group Show 28 June – 23 August, 2014 Opening Reception 27 June, 2014, 7 p.m.[/lang_en-us]

Sign – Pattern – Ornament

The stronger the artistic autonomy, the more the ornament turns into an accessory part: In the 21st century this rule does not apply anymore, as trend-setting exhibitions by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg and the Fondation Beyeler worked out, that ornament currently resurrects as the carrier of a global pictorial language. Geometric, floral and calligraphic ornaments are …

Exhibition With Andy Scholz

We cordially invite you to our upcoming exhibition with Andy Scholz: “Dust In The Air”. We will be showing new photoworks of the Essen based artist, which come up from a study trip to North Dakota, USA, lasting for several months. In his works Scholz turns towards landscape for the first time. CV Andy Scholz …

Simone Haack – White Shadows

In our first solo exhibition of the young painter Simone Haack from Berlin we are showing a representative cross section of her recent work, with an emphasis on her most current pieces. The scholar of Karin Kneffel impresses the audience with her evermore challenging snapshots, often dealing with children and adolescents. The line between good …

Obrist Gallery at Art Karlsruhe

Next week, 13-16 March, we show highlights of the gallery programme at Art Karlsruhe. At our booth in hall 2 / #E12 we present a One Artist Show of Mannheim based artist Peter Schlör for the first time. Furthermore: MARCELA BÖHM, ARMIN HARTENSTEIN, DIETER KRÄNZLEIN and JÜRGEN PAAS, who we already have introduced in Karlsruhe …

conTEMPORARY in Paris

Last weekend obrist conTEMPORARY presented an exhibition with Jürgen Paas in a popup gallery at Avenue de l’Opera in Paris. The clear works of Paas were in exciting contrast to the construction site situation of the shop. – Many thanks to Claude Steinmetz and ecco shop. – We had lots of nice visitors! Here some …

Jürgen Paas – SEJOUR. Paris Weekend.

We cordially invite you to our popup-gallery in Paris with the exhibition JÜRGEN PAAS – SEJOUR Friday, 7 February 2014, 6-10 p.m. and Saturday, 8 February 2014, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. obrist conTEMPORARY, 15, Av. de l’Opera, 75001 Paris (Métro Pyramides) Meet Jürgen Paas in a beautiful showroom very close to the Louvre and …

EDGES with Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas und Dirk Salz

In our exhibition EDGES installations of Jürgen Paas enter into dialogue with reliefs of Bodo Korsig and paintings of Dirk Salz. In the context of the exhibition the two last mentioned artists will be shown for the first time in our gallery. Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas and Dirk Salz have been shown frequently in international …

Exhibitions until June 2014

Our upcoming exhibitions: EDGES – Bodo Korsig, Jürgen Paas, Dirk Salz. 25 Jan. – 16 March 2014 Opening Reception 24 Jan., 7 p.m. ART KARLSRUHE, Hall 2, E12 13 – 16 March, 2014 Opening Reception 12 March Simone Haack – Weiße Schatten. 22 March – 3 May, 2014 Opening Reception 21 March, 7 p.m. Andy …

Armin Hartenstein: MONTAN

Der Düsseldorfer Künstler Armin Hartenstein zeigt in der Mutter Ey-Straße 5 die Installation MONTAN. Im Zentrum erhebt sich ein aus Flächen zusammengesetztes Raumgebilde. Die zur Schaufensterseite des Galerieraumes hin geöffnete Form ist einerseits eine koloristische Setzung, andererseits kann sie als eine Art Architektur oder Landschaftsformation verstanden werden. Wie Satelliten ziehen um diese zentrale Erhebung herum …

Wiebke Bartsch at Kunsthalle Münster

Currently Kunsthalle Münster is showing the exhibition “Die Liebe zu den Dingen” (Love for things), with the following positions: Wiebke Bartsch, Alexandra Bircken, Karla Black, Kristina Bræin, Sylvie Fleury, Andreas Gloël, Surasi Kusolwong, Al Masson, Roman Signer, Florian Slotawa, Erwin Wurm, Haegue Yang. On 3 und 7 of December a TV-report about the exhibition will …

“Unter die Haut” und Wundertüte 2013

Unsere Ausstellung setzt aktuelle Positionen der Malerei in Kontrast und Bezug. Die Haut als Gegenstand der Malerei bedeutete für die Künstler aller Epochen eine besondere Herausforderung. “Das Tiefste, das ist die Haut”, hat es Paul Valery formuliert, und im Kontext der Malerei ist mit diesem Paradoxon nicht nur der besondere Anspruch einer naturgetreuen Widergabe der …

Peter Schloer in October

From October 11 to November 9 Obrist Gallery will exhibit selected works by renown Mannheim-based photo artist Peter Schlör. His recent works have a pictorial approach. The artist uses natural phenomena like the sea, clouds, mountains or forests, to achieve a painterly surface in his pictures: the different structures and consistencies assemble to abstract picture …