The book on Martin Schwenk published by Kerber is now available in the gallery. – On 120 pages the “cabinet of wonder” of Martin Schwenk has been opened with numerous large-format illustrations, supported by well-informed and worth reading articles on his work:
Martin Schwenk. Home Grown. 18 March to 18 August 2012, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld.
Edited by Martin Hentschel (Preface), authors Annelie Pohlen and Heinz-Norbert Jocks.
Hardcover, bound, 120 pages, 81 colored and 1 s/w illustrations, 23,00 × 28,00 cm, German/ English,
ISBN: 978-3-86678-692-9, price: 34,00 €

Martin Schwenk: “Commander Mulroy”.
24 March to 19 May, 2012 (prolonged)

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