Thomas Zika and Henri Cartier-Bresson

On Friday, September 3rd, from 7 p. m. we will give a preview of the autumn of 2010 in the gallery under the title *preview*. We’re opening our new “Collector’s Lounge” with a real sensation: we’re showing 13 original photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson, including vintages and real rarities. There are portraits of Marilyn Monroe, de …

Thomas Zika shows Butterflies

From 4 September the internationally active photographer Thomas Zika will be showing works entitled “Butterflies – Dem Admiral das Leben gerettet”. in our gallery. In contrast to the sober, objective depiction of butterflies in “Papillons” last exhibition, Zika now finds an opulent and very poetic pictorial language for the depiction of butterflies. In large-format and …