Start der Art Moscow

Mit einem verkleinerten Feld von ca. 50 Galerien präsentiert sich derzeit die internationale Kunstszene in Moskau. Bei der Art Moscow zeigen Galerien aus 15 Ländern ihr Programm, wobei sicher die russischen Galerien bei weitem den größten Anteil stellen: Mit Aidan, Guelman, XL und Krokin sind denn auch die wichtigsten Moskauer Galerien dabei. Bei der Vernissage …

Vernissage Art Moscow

After today was the preview, tomorrow, Wednesday, 16 o’clock, the official opening of Art Moscow will take place. Thousands of visitors are expected. With Marcela Boehm, Peter Schloer, Shinichi Tsuchiya and Thomas Zika we have set up a broad programme, with a focus on photography, and with Henri Cartier-Bresson we are presenting a real highlight …

Soon again ART MOSCOW

As the only German gallery we again participate at ART MOSCOW this year. ART MOSCOW is the largest contemporary art fair in Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1995 and today is one of the major art events in Russia. (Sep. 22-26, 2010, Central House of Artists, Moscow)

Thomas Zika and Henri Cartier-Bresson

On Friday, September 3rd, from 7 p. m. we will give a preview of the autumn of 2010 in the gallery under the title *preview*. We’re opening our new “Collector’s Lounge” with a real sensation: we’re showing 13 original photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson, including vintages and real rarities. There are portraits of Marilyn Monroe, de …