Opening Reception “flashback/echo”

Yesterday we held the Opening Reception with our exhibition of Wolfgang Burat and we had more than 30° C: A good-humoured photographer talked about the developement of the pictures in the 80s and about the SPEX founding period. In yesterday’s WAZ Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung Kai Süselbeck reported about the exhibition (photographs Kerstin Kokoska): Wolfgang Burat: …

Portraits of the 80s scene

Titled “flashback|echo” from 3 Juli to 14 August we will have an exhibition with Wolfgang Burats portraits of the idols of the 80s. In very intensive photographs the Underground of the 80s resurrects: Included are images of Bauhaus, Nick Cave, The Cure, Miles Davis, Andreas Dorau, Dennis Hopper, Einstürzende Neubauten, Ideal, Malcolm MacLaren, Iggy Pop, …