Marcela Böhm – Hard Way (2024)

Marcela Böhm. Tough way.
August 31 – October 5, 2024
Opening: Friday, August 30, 2024, 7 p.m.

The Argentine-German painter shows new works from 2023/24 that deal with her time-critical examination of the relationship between people and the world.
In the new exhibition, she juxtaposes paintings of severe floods at the Iguazú Falls with other images that show young people in seemingly carefree, sometimes playful situations. The sharp comparison reflects the difficult questions of our time and our future.
Marcela Böhm captures everyday moments in her paintings. What appears familiar and ordinary on the one hand often causes irritation through their depiction. Böhm was born in Argentina and moved to Germany in 1993 to study art. Her works deal with people she knows and those she meets new.